Inventables Blog

Revolutionizing Cabinetmaking: How Leon Edwards Woodworking Shop Benefits from Inventables' X-Carve Pro and Easel Pro

Written by Inventables Team | Mar 27, 2023 8:52:26 PM

Dave, owner and operator of Leon Edwards, a cabinet and woodworking shop specializing in vintage homes on the north shore of Chicago, was struggling to find skilled labor. His search for a solution led him to Inventables and their user-friendly CNC options, the X-Carve Pro and Easel Pro. In this blog post, we'll explore how these tools have transformed his business, offering precision, efficiency, and ease of use.

The Challenges of Skilled Labor and Traditional Methods:
Dave's primary challenge was finding skilled labor to work on custom cabinets, woodwork creations, and furniture for vintage homes. Traditional methods, like using a table saw, often led to discrepancies in measurements and increased time spent on backend work to clean up and align parts.

The Inventables Solution: X-Carve Pro and Easel Pro:
Inventables' X-Carve Pro and Easel Pro offered Dave the perfect solution to overcome these challenges. The intuitive design of Easel Pro, a software that is easy to use even for those with little experience in CAD programs, sold Dave on the CNC machine. The X-Carve Pro allowed Dave to leverage its capabilities for tasks like creating blind dados and replicating parts with precision, reducing errors and saving time.

A Versatile Tool for Precision Manufacturing:
For one project, a client commissioned Leon Edwards to create oversized dollhouses that were 7 feet tall by 5 feet wide. Instead of painstakingly crafting each piece by hand, Dave used the X-Carve Pro to manufacture precise parts. This significantly reduced the time spent on backend work and ensured uniformity in the final product.

Effortless Replication and Tweaking:
The X-Carve Pro, combined with Easel Pro, makes replication and making changes to designs a breeze. If a mistake is made, tweaking the software is all it takes to correct the issue, saving valuable time and resources.

User-friendly for All Ages:
Dave's 10-year-old daughter easily picked up Easel Pro, designing and creating items on the software. This speaks to the accessibility and user-friendliness of the Inventables solution, making it a valuable asset for woodworking businesses of all sizes.

Inventables' X-Carve Pro and Easel Pro have revolutionized the way Leon Edwards approaches cabinetmaking and woodworking. The CNC machine and software have proven invaluable for precision manufacturing, replication, and ease of use. With these tools at their disposal, Leon Edwards can continue to create beautiful custom cabinetry and woodwork for vintage homes with efficiency and accuracy.